If you have ever had an emergency and needed immediate transport to a hospital by helicopter, you know that this can costs thousands of dollars. Transport by air ambulance can make the difference between life and death for many citizens. Air Evac operates the world’s largest fleet of more than 100 medically-equipped Bell helicopters and has safely flown more than 180,000 people who were in critical need of care. Service area includes Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia, with the company being the largest air ambulance provider in 8 of its 14 states.
Membership in Air Evac Lifeteam is a subscription-based program. Membership provides prepaid protection against all of Air Evac Lifeteam’s transport costs that exceed any insurance or medical benefits you may have. Most insurance companies will pay 100% of what they deem an allowable amount for air ambulance, which does not necessarily mean that the total cost of the flight will be covered. Members are entitled to transport by an available Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter to the closest appropriate medical facility for medical conditions deemed by an attending medical professional to be life- or limb-threatening, or that could lead to permanent disability.
Although you do not have to be a member to use the air ambulance service, membership offers several benefits:
- As a member, Air Evac Lifeteam they work on your behalf with your insurance company to secure payment for its flight. For all Air Evac Lifeteam transport costs that exceed any insurance or medical benefits you may have, the company will waive all costs not covered by your insurance or benefits.
- Memberships are valid in all Air Evac Lifeteam service areas so members are covered while traveling. More than 85 mutually supporting bases are located across 14 states within the United States.
- Becoming an Air Evac Lifeteam member is a good way to support the health care needs of your community. The company’s membership base helps it operate in rural areas where having a quick response time to critical medical situations can save lives. If not for its members, Air Evac Lifeteam would be challenged to provide its livesaving service in many of its outlying communities.
Air Evac Lifeteam Membership Fees
1- year
3- year
5- year
Single member
Two-member household
Household of three or more
If interested in learning more about membership benefits, call toll free 800-793-0010 or go to www.lifeteam.net and visit the FAQ section on the website for details.