Is Debt Consolidation Right for Me?
Dealing with credit card debt can be overwhelming. Managing multiple due dates, keeping track of...
What the Recent Fed Rate Cut Means
Finally! For the first time in more than four years, on September 18, the Federal...
SIU Credit Union Volunteers Bring Joy to Herrin House of Hope Patrons
SIU Credit Union Volunteers Bring Joy to Herrin House of Hope Patrons By Rajvee Subramanian...
 Lifeline from SIUCU – Reviving a Food Donation Garden
On a crisp morning in Metropolis, Illinois, the air was filled with purpose as students...
Scam Alert: Be Skeptical of That ‘Emergency’
I hadn’t heard of the grandparent scam when my father called me a few years...
COVID-19 Texting Scam
The coronavirus pandemic has been raging on American shores for several months, but scammers are...
Save Money With Military Discounts
More than 200 stores and services around the country try to make the lives of...
Shop at Home for the Holidays
Does the thought of making your way through crowded malls and shopping at 20 different...
Top 10 Reasons to Join Our Credit Union if You’re in High School
From the outside, SIU Credit Union might look just like any other financial institution. It’s...
National Child Day.. Who knew that existed?
Did you know that November 20 is National Child Day? I never knew that was...