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Be Careful with Your Codes

It is important to be cautious when receiving requests for sensitive information, such as login codes or passwords, via email, text message, or other digital channels. Hackers and scammers often try to trick people into revealing this type of information by posing as legitimate companies or individuals and requesting it under false pretenses.

If you receive a request for login codes or passwords, do not simply assume that it is legitimate and send the information without verifying the request first.

Instead, take the following steps to protect yourself:

  1. Contact the company or individual directly to verify the request. Do not use the contact information provided in the request, as it may be fake. Instead, look up the company’s or individual’s legitimate contact information and use that to make the verification.
  2. Be suspicious of requests for sensitive information that come from unfamiliar sources or that seem out of the ordinary.
  3. Use caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These could contain malware or other harmful software.
  4. Enable two-factor authentication for your accounts whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security and makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your accounts.
  5. Do not share ANY of your SIU Credit Union or other financial verification codes with anyone who calls. This will help hackers get into your account.

By following these guidelines, you can help protect yourself and your sensitive information from being compromised.