Fast Cash Loans
A Financial Rescue When You Need It
Stay Out of High-Interest Predatory Lending Options

What is a Fast Cash loan?
Fast Cash Loans are available when you need cash quickly, without the added stress of disaster or other reasons.
Quick-to-set-up loans cover unexpected costs like car repairs, vet visits, and home repairs, with flexibility and lower rates.

Life Happens
Sometimes You Need a Backup Plan
- No Credit Checks
- Build / Repair Credit
- Less Stress

Applying is simple!
- Only a few clicks & approval in minutes.
- Your relationship status with SIUCU determines qualification and loan amount.
- Once approval is given, funds are deposited within minutes.
- Forgetful? Automatic Payments immediately set up upon funding for peace of mind.
Easy online applications
​Apply Now
*Membership required. All loans subject to credit approval.
Eligibility & Application: Must be an active SIUCU Member.
SIUCU Fast Cash is a loan option available to members with an active membership for at least the past 6 calendar months.
Only members with an active Checking or Savings account are eligible to apply.
$20 application fee is non-refundable. The fee is assessed at time of application and charged to the member’s SIU Credit Union Checking or Savings account regardless of whether the loan is approved, denied, or declined by the applicant.To apply, members must access SIU Credit Union Online Banking or Mobile Banking. Members can only have one (1) SIUCU Fast Cash loan at a time and no more than three (3) SIUCU Fast Cash loans in any rolling six-month period. The rate for a SIUCU Fast Cash Loan is 18.00% APR for all approved borrowers. Stated rate is as of 6/1/2023 and subject to change. The SIUCU Fast Cash loan is subject to approval, which is determined by an assessment of the member’s relationship with the Credit Union
Funding: If funding is approved, it will be automatically deposited into the member’s active Checking account. If the member does not have an active Checking account, funds will be deposited into the member’s active Savings account.
Payments: Payments to the SIUCU Fast Cash loans are reported to the credit bureaus and may impact the member’s credit score. The due date selection and automatic monthly payment pre-authorizations occur at the time the loan is booked. Depending on the due date selected, the first payment date may be less than or more than 30 days from funding. The automatic payments will be debited from the same account the loan proceeds were deposited into. The entire payment amount must be available in the account for the payment to process. If the loan payment is not made within the grace period (10 days), a late payment fee may be assessed.
Features and Requirements
- Loans up to $2,000 with up to a 12-month term
- No credit check
- Must be a member for six months
- Must be 18 years or older
- 18% interest rate
- $20.00 application fee
- Instant loan decision
- Can be used to build or repair credit
- Save money on costly overdraft fees
- No embarrassment from being overdrawn
Apply anytime, anywhere, via online or mobile banking.
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Rates effective as of: February 8, 2025
{Optional: Insert table disclosure information}
Open Account
Business Free Checking
This account is perfect for startups, home offices, and businesses with smaller transactions and balances.
Here are some of the best features:
No monthly service fee
No minimum balance
Only $25 to Open
How to Make a Transfer
Bailey Bobcat Rates
Bailey Bobcat Savings
• Only $5 to Open
• No Minimum Balance
• Up to 0.50% APY1
• Dividends Paid Monthly2
• One Free Withdrawal per Month
$5 for Each Additional
1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
2 Membership Share dividends are declared monthly by the Board of Directors.
Jr. Executive
What do you need to open?
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- If under 18, a Parent/Guardian
If Parent/Guardian is not an existing member, they will need to bring:
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License / State Issued Photo ID
Smart Young Investors
What do you need to open?
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- If under 18, a Parent/Guardian
If Parent/Guardian is not an existing member, they will need to bring:
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License / State Issued Photo ID
Bailey Bobcat
What do you need to open?
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- If under 18, a Parent/Guardian
If Parent/Guardian is not an existing member, they will need to bring:
- $5
- Date of Birth
- Current Address
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License / State Issued Photo ID
Jr. Executive Rates
Bailey Bobcat Rates
Smart Young Investors Rates
How to Enroll in Online Banking
Leaving Our Website
SIU Credit Union provides links to external sites for the convenience of its members. By clicking “Continue” you will be directed to an external website owned and operated by a third party. SIU Credit Union is not responsible for the content of the alternate website and does not represent either the third party or the member if the two enter into a transaction. When you exit our site, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect.
Thank you for visiting us online. Please return when you need information about SIU Credit Union’s products and services.